Why blogging is a great way to start a career in software development?

Why blogging is a great way to start a career in software development?

From the day I started learning how to develop I have not only been told, but I have witnessed the importance of keeping up with new trends, new updates, and new technologies. Things change so frequently in the industry that we need to set aside time for researching and learning new technologies regularly. By starting to blog at the beginning of your career, you leave a trail of dedication demonstrating that you spend time learning about new things on a regular basis. But thats not all, When you blog about something you are relearning, and reiterating in your own words what you learned and displaying a sense of confidence in what you know.

Another great reason to start blogging at the start of your career is to monitor your own development. Your first and early blogs will likely be much different from blogs you write further into your career. You can look at your blogs as an educational journal, and if theres something that you need to look back on for a refresher, a past blog might point you in the right direction.

If at some point you write enough blogs and capture the attention of enough people, you may even get some unique opportunities from the readers of your blogs. So there is no harm in starting a blog. However if you don't, you may miss out on the great things blogging has to offer. That said, why not start blogging at the start of your career.